Sunday, October 17, 2010

Haves and Have Nots

I have been working on my "green thumb" today. Tom had started looking for tomato seeds shortly after we arrived. It's true that homegrown (or Davis grown) are the best. A co-worker hooked us up and the sprouting started in 15 yogurt cups in mid-July. Now that the Typhoon season is about to the end, and our plants are really starting to take shape, it was time to take the next step.

Monday I ordered big pots and lots of soil; and it all was delivered straight to the flat on Friday. Today I got to assemble! I even used Tom's little saw to cut the bamboo sections for my trellises. Madison had to help me with a bit - apparently packing peanuts go in the have not category in Discovery Bay so we cut up sheet foam to add a little more volume to the soil. The good news- We have one lowly flower bud found!

1 comment:

  1. I am knew to Block Lotto and have read your blogspot with interest. Before my husband retired his last assignment was in Singapore and we lift there for 15 months which was bliss. So I relive when I read your posts. This one ... I had to lough because I am wondering whether you had any fruit. When I came to America first (from Germany) we lived in a highrise on the 15 floor and I had a garden on the balcony too ... but never any fruit ... until I used a little paint brush to help. The bees didn't come so high!
