Friday, March 11, 2011

Learning Geography and Plate Tectonics

It's amazing what you learn in times of natural disaster. I guess we are all on a need to know basis with so much in this world. First, I have to say that Hong Kong had absolutely no impact from yesterday's earthquake in Japan. It's hard to see on the map above, but HK is wrapped around on the southern tip of China and protected by the Northern mainland. It's kind of like how Savannah is in a natural buffer from hurricanes. As a matter of fact, we have very limited tide changes here on a regular basis.

Like Haiti last year, this was a horrific disaster that is still affecting coastlines world wide. Being in Japan at Christmas time gives us a little sense of scale to the magnitude of the wall of water that has devastated the countryside, but we can only count our blessings that we are safe.

Keep thinking of those in its path, but know that we are okay.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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