I really can't believe that the last three weeks have flown by! I'll give details as we go, but for now I just wanted to say we have successfully arrived in Hong Kong and survived our first week! Tom has gone back to work and us girls are making our way through the nuances of living in a foreign country.
We live in a big fish bowl - The windows are floor to ceiling in our living/dining space and I am sitting here watching the bay disappear into a rain cloud. The rains so far are short lived and if anything provide a few minutes of relief from the stifling humidity! The Wunderground stats to the left don't add the heat index that smothers even us "Southerners!" However, the rainbow ending in our cove must be a good sign.
Wow, what an adventure your family is having, Kim. Thanks for doing this blog so that we can at least share in a flavor of it. You are an excellent writer, so you make it come alive.